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filling up

下面围绕“filling up”主题解决网友的困惑

filling up的意思

filling up 英 [ˈfɪlɪŋ ʌp] 美 [ˈfɪlɪŋ ʌp]网络  四为填充剂; 填充剂; 填满; 填充剂

filling up core的意思

filling up core 英 [ˈfɪlɪŋ ʌp kɔː(r)] 美 [ˈfɪlɪŋ ʌp kɔːr]【机】埋入砂心

为什么下面这句话中用“is filling up”,而不是用被

因为business space is filling up中的fill up意思是become full,而being filled with revulsion中的fill sb with ...

take filling up是什么意思

filling 是fill的ing形式,这里之所以用ing就是前面有一个动词take原因,fill up 是一个词组,意思是:1,装满,加满(这里一般指行为动作,可以是液体也可以是其他...

filling up gas tank什么意思

filling up gas tank 填补油箱 双语例句 1. I fill up the tank with gasoline about once a week.大约每个星期我加满一箱汽油。来自《权威词典》2. Following the...


adj.能填饱肚子的 例句 1.What are packages. answer: Filling calls you to ask you not to place it.都有什么套餐...


填满的英文是fill。双语例句 1 湖里几乎快被淤泥和植物填满了。The lake was almost solid with silt and vegetatio...


filling; fill; packing; stuffing; tucker 2. (一种测验方法) fill in the blanks 3. (填补) fill up; stuff filling ['filiŋ]n. 填充;填料 v. 填满;...

All his drawers are filling up with odds and end

All his drawers are filling up with odds and ends.所有抽屉都装满零碎东西,(表示责备),如果用filled,则变成被动语态,被动语态的主语应该是odds and ends...


fill 读音:英 [fɪl] ; 美 [fɪl]vt. 装满,使充满;满足;堵塞;任职 vi. 被充满,膨胀 n. 满足;填满的...

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